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 Sending money to Nepal
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Posted on 09-23-17 6:47 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I want to send some money to Nepal. I have tried Munch Macha Pay before but their rate is not convincing for me. Does anyone know any other ways to send Nepal, Where exchange rate is high and it's 100% reliable?
Posted on 09-24-17 5:43 AM     [Snapshot: 72]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Lets hear from others as well if they have used
Posted on 09-25-17 2:04 PM     [Snapshot: 276]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I use zoom. They have low transfer rates if u connect your bank details and exchange is also better than Moneygram most of the time. Also you and your friend both get $20 amazon gift card when u sign up and send more than $400 with a referral link that you get from your friends who already is a zoom member.
Last edited: 25-Sep-17 02:06 PM

Posted on 09-27-17 2:40 PM     [Snapshot: 411]     Reply [Subscribe]
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When I compared rates for today. Muncha macha pay is giving NRs 103.04 per 1 US Dollar and Xoom is giving NRs102.25 and the Actual exchange rate is Nrs105.10. and based on my previous experience my transactions were smooth and timely with Muncha macha pay.

Looks like this is the best one among all. Any more suggestions?

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