Vampox Shikhandar
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 Seeking for Health Insurance.
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Posted on 08-19-18 3:56 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hi. I am a Nepali guy recently residing in Irving ,Texas. I am getting some kinds of pain in my leg and in leg muscle. So, as an international student can anyone has suggest me a good n cheapest health insurance that an student can afford? Or has anyone has felt that same problem ? Thank you.. Mero Nepal Mero pride.
Posted on 08-19-18 7:18 AM     [Snapshot: 48]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You might like to check your shoes, shoe insoles, walking working surface and duration and your own weight. Are the shoes right sized and have soft insoles? For example, Leather shoes with hard insoles can cause issue. If shoe insoles are hard and if you often keep walking or working in hard surface for long time, that causes strain to the leg muscle. If you are over weight, that also may add to the issue. You may consider the above and try light type of sports shoes that have soft insoles like dr scholls insoles.
Posted on 08-19-18 12:03 PM     [Snapshot: 126]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Try this: I have been using it for the past 7 years. Never had big health issue to go to a hospital, my university healthcare center was enough. But I know people who have gone to the hospital with this and they got covered well.
Posted on 08-19-18 12:03 PM     [Snapshot: 127]     Reply [Subscribe]
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