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 An Indian worker trying to really hard to give a bad impression
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Posted on 10-13-19 4:29 PM     [Snapshot: 94]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You be master of the technology and show it to all.
Posted on 10-13-19 5:18 PM     [Snapshot: 120]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Looks like he has some work experience before and because he thinks I don't have much experience he is trying expose, and not sharing information, spying on me. I am learning about the company and their application and doing my tasks on time. If I do one type of task, he says you should do different ones. If I try to take a different task, he doesn't share information. Somehow he managed to brainwash some seniors by saying I am not speeding up as I should. He gets help from everywhere because some of those people support each other. Everything I do, he puts it in a wrong way because he is good at manipulating. I don't want to come across as slow or something. If he asks for help with other people then it's fine because he is learning but if I ask anything, he tries to prove, I don't know stuff. I do need time to learn. Unfortunately, I think he has influenced my seniors and they talk to me differently and feels like things have changed because of him.
Posted on 10-13-19 6:34 PM     [Snapshot: 181]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I know Indian people have attitude. My two cents are: Do not ask simple question ( you should be asking only business question), Take other person help, Be nice. At the end, if any thing does not work, change job ( I changed job because of one indian, But I complained about him with the help of other coworkers, finally they fired him too)
Posted on 10-13-19 8:28 PM     [Snapshot: 274]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I would recommend checking out and get a code mentor. Good ones charge about $80 an hour but they can mentor you, walk through your code using remote session. You can ask any questions and they will help you bridge the gap you have.
Posted on 10-13-19 9:51 PM     [Snapshot: 352]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I do want to complain but I feel like since I am not up to their expectations and they have a different body language now. Is it even worth complaining? What did you say? I don't have anyone to back me up but he does.
Posted on 10-14-19 12:00 AM     [Snapshot: 460]     Reply [Subscribe]
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problem is with you... I do not mean to discourage you but the fact is you went to the job stating you have several years of experience. Obviously, the team would expect you to show that experience in term of work so when they do not find that, that resulted in your situation.
Now, the best way is, you handle it the way it comes. Be nice, do not show attitudes, be polite and do not ask simple questions.
Like somebody above said, get a support outside of your work. You might need to pay for that.
If all does not work, just quit and find another position.
Posted on 10-14-19 12:33 AM     [Snapshot: 478]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@tito-satya, I understand what you are trying to say. Does it justify to check someone else's personal notes from someone else's laptop even when they object or forcefully do it? He knows there are other people who come that way but he is helping them for whatever reason, same country/same language. And he also doesn't know a lot he asks questions to other people and gets his work done by taking help all over the work. He says he is familiar with it and learning because people support him and he can easily make me look bad if I say anything like that.

@damar: did your manager know about you or they had no idea when you complained?

Posted on 10-14-19 3:35 AM     [Snapshot: 547]     Reply [Subscribe]
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see... do not worry what help he gets and how he survives in that position and how he is helping other but you. That is not the issue over here.

The issue is, you are new but you went for the job stating you have a lot of years of experience.

He might be new like you but his luck is he is getting help and you are not.

Try to understand your problem rather than pointing issues of others. Understand, you faked for that position. So what makes you to expect to think everything will go good for you.

See, I am not discouraging you. I am just trying to make you aware about your real expertise. Since you do not have experience, you should have already expected the stress you are going through.

I have been through your situation but I managed the situation and I am pretty sure everybody must have gone through the same situation who faked their resume and landed the job.

The best bet is, be polite, try to make friendship with that person, absolutely do not bring your little attitude at this time. Satisfy the ego of that person in anyway you can.

Ultimately, if you cannot handle the stress, just quit and search for another position.

Talking about what is good or what is bad does not work here. Understand, you faked your resume to land the job. So, you started your career on the basis of bad, faking the resume, so how could you expect everything to be good for you.

Posted on 10-14-19 9:28 AM     [Snapshot: 662]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This guy must be from Haiti just be like what’s up , he gonna be like you wanna go outside , you tell him shut the fuck up and get back to work , he will understand that you have beat ass of these kind of slugs and he will just go and talk to other co workers , specially fat ugly women and tell them how bad he really is , and than you take a big dump and tell the bastard flush yr toilet and he will leave for Haiti
Posted on 10-14-19 9:37 AM     [Snapshot: 657]     Reply [Subscribe]
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If I am not in super tight spot time/delivery wise, I am usually more concerned about people ability to work in team, their work attitude, their desire and effort to learn and grow quickly then their experiences from the day one . And these are things that will help you rather than, you complaining about your co-worker , if job is your priority. If job, is not priority then of course it’s un-ethical for your coworker to check your private stuff, and so is your mistake to put it in your work laptop/phone what ever it is. You can easily complain about that aspect to your supervisor, if you choose so.

Not to generalize , Indians are usually more competitive then Nepalese . He might be trying to prove he is more critical to team then you. You can simply handle these situations, by simply praising him for the help he is providing to you in team meetings. While you are doing any presentation or talking about your work with your entire team, just start praising or acknowledging help you get , from other people and may be exaggerate little bit more for this guy. Now he sees , himself in better position by helping you and he will be willing to help more. In long run you will loose nothing by praising other people In team or being humble.

Another aspect is that, if you were hired to fill critical skill gap in your Team, in critical area/technology, drive project or program as lead etc and you are not being able to do that or know you can’t do it right away, you should look for other option and not dragged team down. You should start your job from non-critical position.
Posted on 10-14-19 4:27 PM     [Snapshot: 830]     Reply [Subscribe]
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this is typical indian mentality

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