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 Trump-Appointed Judge Halts Abortion Pill Mifepristone’s FDA Approval Nationwide
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Posted on 04-07-23 9:00 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 04-07-23 10:39 PM     [Snapshot: 9]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This judge just gave a giant headache to Mitch McConnell (Mr Turtleface) and Senate Republicans who are expecting to recapture US Senate fairly easily. Without this issue on hand, they did have fairly good chance of recapturing the Senate. Now it is kinda unsure.

Now, all Trump needs to do is handpick very Trumpy/extreme candidates in battleground/purple states and repeat the same cascade of losses as Republicans did in 2020 and 2022 in these battleground/purple states.

This issue will most likely overshadow the rather poor poll numbers of Biden in all of America and particularly in battleground/purple states handing Biden reelection victory in 2024 presidential election without thorough scrutiny of his rather lacklustre performance.

In the US House, Democrats just need win 5 or 6 more seats from what they currently have to recapture US House of Representatives. At this point, there are more than 10 Congressional districts where Republicans won in 2022 with very thin vote MARGlN (where the district actually voted for Biden but also voted Republican US House Rep).

Posted on 04-09-23 11:03 AM     [Snapshot: 109]     Reply [Subscribe]
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GOP are trying to run country according to BIBLE, Christianity and White-ism.


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