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 Guess how many vaccines a one year old baby is given
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Posted on 03-30-24 8:27 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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All those chemicals can’t be good right from birth 🥵

Either the vaccine industry has become very powerful or the politicians have become very corrupt. 

Most likely both 
Last edited: 30-Mar-24 08:28 AM
Last edited: 30-Mar-24 08:30 AM

Posted on 03-30-24 9:46 AM     [Snapshot: 59]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Doctor office is NO. 1 CHOR as well.

New immigrants who are under poverty level or low-income, when they visit Dr.Office with a child, they know the child's insurance paid by the Govt, so Dr. act like car salesman, adding so many vaccines, blood check, glucose check, funny one is they do Cholesterol check for 3 years old, you name it.

And Politician they make policy like if family of 4 makes under $38000 yearly, they consider as poverty level, so they get subsidized health care, and Insurance Company charge sky rocket monthly payment since Govt is paying for it, and Doctors, pharmacy are like Vultures sucking all the benefits.

So remember, Doctor's office suggests ( NOT required) this and that for your child, think twice, and learn to say "NO".

Posted on 03-31-24 8:50 AM     [Snapshot: 256]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Human stupidity knows no bounds when well meaning parents fall into the trap of getting "free" vaccines. In their brain they justify it as free but they are promoting pharma-politics collaboration without knowing. There "free" things come at a cost in the form of taxes is being paid to govt and who in turn syphons it off to the pharmaceutical companies. The prices are billed astronomical as in hundreds of dollars per shot and the number of doses keep increasing every year as the pharma succeeds in one of their goals of pocketing the policy makers. So next time you are faced with the decision, ask yourself this question. How long has this vaccine been recommended? If it has been required/recommended only in the last 2 or 3 decades learn to say no as more than likely it's profit oriented than cure. What is evident is increasing health problem in children like down's syndrome and other such conditions. When affected parents start to question these things, they are called conspiracy theorists because the profit money is huge in trillions of dollars and they can afford to pay off the news media to continue their lucrative business.

Most people don't have time to research these things and they end up researching the things approved by the same institutions that benefit from the pharma profits.

The most recent case in point is the covid vaccine. Remember when you had to maintain distance and stay quarantined? Now, the same disease, noone has to do anything anymore it's all fine and good. People will probably say the vaccine cured it from the face of the earth. Good luck to these well meaning people.
Posted on 03-31-24 9:59 AM     [Snapshot: 305]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Can you post infant mortality rate for 1986 and 2023 so we can do the proper comparison as well as look into this thing from different perspectives?
Posted on 03-31-24 6:54 PM     [Snapshot: 421]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Infant mortality is not dependent on what vaccines they are given. It’s mostly dependent upon a child's personal and biological characteristics; behavioural characteristics of the child's mother; and socioeconomic household and community characteristics.

Last edited: 31-Mar-24 07:33 PM

Posted on 04-08-24 6:35 AM     [Snapshot: 903]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This is a smoking gun. 
Last edited: 08-Apr-24 06:36 AM


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