1. Increase sales of weapon of mass destruction to provide profit to donors
2. Destabilize world to increase insecurity to sell weapons, push world close to world war 3.
3. Open US borders to let in people without checking records to increase democrat voters and to destabilize the country
4. Use media owned by donors to spread hateful message and divide people by gender and race
5. Use government agencies to go after political adversaries
6. Allow unaccounted spending in government so that they can reward donors
7. Promote controversial GLBTQ agenda to divide people further and profit healthcare industries
8. Fund labs overseas to test biological pathogens and viruses to be used to create chaos when needed
9. Create money out of thin air to profit democrat friendly corporations and organizations and thus create massive inflation
10. Prevent parents from being able to provide guidance to children to stop them from getting transgender surgeries.
Thank god the American voters have effectively stopped this anti humanity party.
Last edited: 28-Nov-24 01:28 PM