"When our false perception is corrected, misery ends also."
-Adi Shankaracharya
Bhagvad Gita 6.42
"Or (if he is possessed of dispassion) then not attaining to those regions he is born in the family of enlightened Yogis; but such a birth in this world is very difficult to obtain."
Bhagvad Gita 6.43
"Arjuna, he automatically regains in that birth the spiritual insight of his previous birth; and through that he strives harder than ever for perfection in the form of God-realization."
End of quotes.
We are born to learn, increase our consciousness and unite with god so that we would never have to be born again.
Our current birth is dependent on our Karma for past life. Some get a good birth and some get a bad birth. People generally have more than one birth, but aren't able to remember their past births.
As our false perceptions are corrected and our consciousness increases, we start to notice how everyone around us isn't the same as us.
Some are more aware and conscious than us, and some are lesser so.
We start calling those who are at a lower level than us as NPC.
But it is also quite possible that you yourself were a NPC in your past birth.
Also, higher level of consciousness also exists in demons and people with negative or evil energies. They do bad and think of doing bad because that's how god made them.
You have to use your discretionary powers to understand what type of energy (good/evil) and consciousness (higher/lower) the person in front of you is harboring.
This game is all about increasing consciousness. You won't fall in any trap after death with an increased consciousness.
Last edited: 29-Nov-24 01:49 PM