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 Interested in Salesforce training
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Posted on 04-20-09 12:31 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hi Friends,

Let us know if you would be interested in Salesforce.com Training .Response through this email. Please let us know,If you would be interested in Free Orientation/Demo on Salesforce.com  training.
                   Salesforce.com is the latest in software trend. It's the leader in SaaS ( Software As A Service) application. It has around 60 Thousand customers and growing rapidly.Thus it is creating a big, vibrant eco-system, full of opportunities.
                   Do you want to play a role in this Cloud and create a career for yourself ?
                   Get yourself trained in Salesforce.com. No Programming Knowledge required. Stratitude offers a five day training in Salesforce.com. It can be done in class or remotely as well. Batches every week.
                   Intense sessions conducted by experienced architects.  Special discount for Students !

Reply to ne.destination@yahoo.com if you would be interested.


Posted on 04-20-09 8:36 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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is it free? whats the pay rate after training.


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