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 HELP--Canadian Immigration Info

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Posted on 07-18-08 7:28 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hello all,

My fren is applying for the Canadian PR with his spouse, can anyone experienced please help in providing info to these questions ---

1. His uncle (Mama) is a canadian Citizen....what documented needs to be provided regarding their proof of relation and what do they check to verify the points?

2. Regarding education, Is it necessary to submit all educational documents (SLC, High School, Bachelor) OR just the transcript of the last degree earned is Enough? And how should he submit his sealed transcript (order it to him and post it together with other docs OR directly send it to the Embassy?)

Please suggest asap.

Thank you in Advance.

Have a great weekend.

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Posted on 07-19-08 9:40 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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If he is the primary applicants then NO you don't need her educational background....

Posted on 07-19-08 10:03 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanks Himalaya...but he get points for his spouse...in that case...does he still have show it or not.

Posted on 07-19-08 10:50 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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please do not forget to visit notcanada.com, if you are looking for some professional job there.

Posted on 07-19-08 10:51 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Last edited: 19-Jul-08 10:52 PM
Last edited: 19-Jul-08 10:53 PM

Posted on 07-19-08 10:51 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Last edited: 19-Jul-08 10:52 PM

Posted on 07-19-08 11:12 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanks sajhamember, Surely I will do that.
Posted on 07-19-08 11:50 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hi B'more:

Of course, send all the educational degrees/certificates of the spouse as well.. under the Adaptability Factor, because of his spouse's edcuation, he can get up to 5 points. So, why not.

Regarding whether to attest the certificates or not, he should check the document checklist. This document checklist is specific to the Canadian High Commission located in the country where you are applying (I think you are applying, not your friend ha ha).  So are you (or your fren, the applicant) is in USA and have lived there for more than a year? If yes, then he has to apply to Buffalo. So bro, check the document checklist, whcih can be found here: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/E37048.pdf

Take Care.

Posted on 07-19-08 11:53 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Read this in that pdf file.. translation copies need to be certified.. also all the photocopies as well. Therefore, bro, pretty much all supporting documents need to be notarized (certified).

Gather documents as listed. Check (ô€€») each item on the checklist and attach the checklist to your
documents (a paper clip will do). Place all documents in a sealed envelope. Do not send originals unless
otherwise stated. Send notarized photocopies of all documents except the police certificates, which must be
originals. If your documents are not in English or French, send a notarized (certified) translation with a copy
of the originals.
Last edited: 19-Jul-08 11:55 PM

Posted on 07-20-08 1:47 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hi b'more

you can get relationship certificate fronm wada tstating your mom and your uncle are siblings. Just make sure your mom and your uncle has name DOB and parents name on that certificate then get a copy of your uncle canadain ctizenship card or passport or pr

Good Luck

Posted on 07-20-08 4:42 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanks Gabbar for your info,

No actually, its not me....its my fren who is applying.


Posted on 07-20-08 4:46 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanks Nepali Toronto,

I will surely do that.....thats the simplest way I think.

But, regarding educational of his spouse what you think?? and the relationship with his uncle who is canadian citizen....does his uncle also need to write a letter of relation verification beside the relationship doc of mom and uncle from woda office.

Posted on 07-20-08 5:24 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hey guys,

I have few questions about this immigration.

Can i apply from US, even if my wife and kids are currently in Nepal?

I am wondering how many points does a candidate get from spouse, who has finished I.Sc. (+2) from Nepal ?

Regarding the work expeirence proofs, does it matter if we can submit only a letter from each past employers? Is contract letter or appointment letter essential?

Thanks in advance

Posted on 07-20-08 10:42 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hi b'more,

Sure it would be good idea just to do that, his uncle can write letter for his bhanja n provide copy of his pr passport of citizenship copy. I think it will add 2 or 3 point on his application if his wife has complted ISC , u can ckeck on CIC website. 

Hi gyane_mara,

Yes u can apply for wife n kids too.

I think it will add 2 or 3 point on your application if your wife has complted ISC , u can ckeck on CIC website

You have submit letter, paystub and W2(tax return)

Hopefully this will help



Posted on 07-20-08 10:57 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Yes, you can apply to Canadian High Commission in Buffalo if you have alrady lived in USA for more than one year. Meaning you have to make full application as a skilled worker. Doesn't matter if your wife and kids are in Nepal.. all it matters is the principal applicant who lived in USA.

I am afraid, with your spouse's I.Sc. education you may not gather a single point under the Adaptability Factor. They look for more like trade certificates/dipoma. Perhaps overseer education from Engineering Institute of Pulchowk can give her 3-4 points... but I.Sc. means nothing learnt in terms of tradescraft. See this and try yourself taking the Self Assessment:


Regarding what kind of work experience letter you migth have to submit... read carefully the document checklist. This tells you exactly what kind of letter you will have to ask from your past employers.


Posted on 07-22-08 5:04 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Nepali Toronto & Gabbar.......need your suggestions again PLZE...or any other experienced frens...please

Here is the scenerio.....(copied and paste what my fren relayed me...)

I went to canadian immigration website and took the self assessment test and I believe I qualify for the immigration process, but I have a confussion on the adaptation section. I have my uncle living in Canada, he is Canadian Citizen, so I get 5 points from him but my mom recently got denied for visitor's visa for Canada (she applied to Buffalo when she was here in USA)....so do u think I should mention that in my application....will that leave a bad impression on my application or not?...or else I have 69 points even if I dont show my uncle in canada......so which do u think is the best way to apply?

Frens..Your input asap will be appreciatated.

Thanks in advance.

Posted on 07-22-08 6:04 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I have small question too...

Do we need to take IELTS to show that we are proficient in english. I already have my Master degree from USA and I thought that will be sufficient enought for my english proficiency.



Posted on 07-22-08 6:08 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Dear fren:

 The mom's tourist visa application rejection at Buffalo has nothing to do with your PR application. You are not applying PR for your mom. So, that case has no bearing on your application. Besides, where in the application forms you can make a mention of your mom's visa rejection? There's no such thing in the form. So be cool.

OK, regarding Adaptability factor you can get 5 points when you can produce sufficient documents (birth certifcates of you, your mom, and your uncle). Since you said that you got 69 points in the self assessment without counting 5 points from your uncle.. I suggest, you better use that 5 points as well.. do not be stupid.

The 69 points you have assessed... how sure are you about that? This is at almost border point of 67. Did you include your spouse's I.Sc. degree or not.. therefore, don't take chance... try to utilize 5 points from your uncle's side, just to be DEAD SURE.


If you already got Masters degree fro USA.. you do not have to take IELTS.  It's USA degree, c'mon  Canada respect it. You are fine. You get 16 points under Langauge Factor... Zero for French.. that's OK.  And 25 points under Education Factor.. you will have no problem meeting 67 points requirement.

Posted on 07-22-08 6:15 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Dear Gabbar,

Thanks a lot for your precious time and prompt suggestions again. Hope this will relax me a lot.

Have a great day.


Posted on 07-22-08 8:36 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hi Saathi,

If u want 16 point in english, I would suggest to take IELTS. I know

have few people who has PHD from sates were only awarded 8 to 10 points

I have BSEE from sates and MS from canada, was asked to take IELTS.

Do not waist time trying to get 16 point in english. Just take

IELTS. It is easy you should not have any problem.

If you score 7 in all section, you will get 16.

Good Luck

Posted on 07-22-08 8:54 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ummm... i do not agree that with US/Canadian degree one should take IELTS... Please read this..    http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/language-evidence.asp    and if you are confident in each of the points described there.. you should get 16 points.

I know, even if you have phd degree from USA... when you write explanation in english.. and if you screw the english in that writeup... then they will doubt your english language ability despite your US degree...

Also, you need to show documentation to prove that you have worked in North America/UK/Australia in engish medium.... that again depens on how many years of work experience you have in these countries.

Here is the excerpt from that link:

You must:

  1. Indicate what level of language proficiency you are claiming for each skill (speaking, listening, reading and writing).
  2. Submit, with your application for immigration, a written explanation and supporting documentation as proof of the levels you have indicated.

    This material should include:
    • a written submission explaining your training in English or French;
    • an explanation of how you commonly use English or French;
    • official documentation of education in English or French; and
    • official documentation of work experience in English or French.


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