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 Got acceptance in the other univ but already enrolled in the other univ.
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Posted on 08-25-09 8:47 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I really need your suggestion here.

   one of my cousin sister she did applied to the other university for her major. At the very last hour she got accepted over there. In the new accepted univ. the class starts from the sep-3. But, she is already enrolled in her previous univ. her class started yesterday and she paid some amounts also.

      The main reason is that if she enrolled on over other univ. then she can start her major studies but still have to wait for one more semester in the current univ.

     aba enrolled vai sake pasi naya univ. ma jada kun bidi apnaunu parla. I mean does she need to drop her semster in the old univ and go to the other. I am messed up here please give me some suggestions.



Posted on 08-25-09 9:00 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Your explanation is really really confusing. Expalin it in a clear way. Someone may understand and help you!!!!!!!
Posted on 08-25-09 9:07 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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okay, sorry I post it in my rushing time.

          mero cousin aile let's say "A" univ ma enroll vai sakeko cha, jun usko suru dhekhi padeko university ho. Ra aile usle Univ "B" bata acceptances letter payeko cha. Uni "B" ma chai sep-3 bata padai suru huncha less than one week  ma. jabaki usko univ "A" hijo bata padai suru vai sakyo.

yo condition ma aba mero cousin kasari Univ "B" ma gayera usle aile bata nai usko major study suru garna sakcha. jabaki she needs to wait one more year to start her major study in Univ "A".



Posted on 08-26-09 9:50 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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University "A" sanga kura garney....university drop garna paryo...bhanera...
..if they can do it and transfer sevis to the university "B" within 2 weeks you are fine.

talk to the international advisors of University A and B.


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