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 Toughest cycling ride to Haibung via Shivapuri National Park
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cycling Mountainbiking travel Nepal kathmandu biking tourism
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Posted on 02-08-21 2:26 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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This ride is dedicated to one of our Hunkies member Ms. Rusha Pradhan, She is getting married soon so she planned it as her bachelorette ride!! with Hunkies!!! This was our toughest trip till date cause we had a new member in our group who hadn't enough experience of this type of ride before and we starved very well too because we don't have supplementary foods for in-between till our final destination, also we skipped the Mulkharka village traditional route that's why we can't found tea house till Jurey Bhanjyang.

After all, we make it safe and Sound back to the home from the woods!

Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?fbclid=IwAR2aSUMdpTgNjKPucOtVZhxfeqc-PBATKX1psN8XQthNLmvQ_Vicwl1jcy8&v=_v2t3EApQ0s&feature=youtu.be


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