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Posted on 05-11-16 2:00
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Sathi haru, If any of you have given an interview of UI Developer experience of 5-7 year, can you please let me know what kind of technical, logical and HR question you encountered.
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Posted on 05-11-16 3:12
PM [Snapshot: 45]
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Gonna hijack this thread. WTF is a UI dev?
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Posted on 05-12-16 7:02
AM [Snapshot: 149]
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UI developer is User Interface developer also called Front end developer or web developer. Now you know WTF it is
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Posted on 05-12-16 8:25
AM [Snapshot: 179]
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Ida, If you are a Web Developer, you must also be engaged in server side coding like c# plus database development. Let me know your legal status. I am looking for a person with 7 years experience. Location is DC. It has to be a US Citizen. Thanks,
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Posted on 05-12-16 8:52
AM [Snapshot: 174]
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You didn't mention what frameworks you gonna use. If its just Javascript, jQuery, html, css than expect these questions: 1. What is closure and how it works? 2. What is prototype in Javascript? 3. How do you implement inheritance in Javascript? 4. Be familiar with arrays, algorithms, substring, sorting, etc 5. diff between div and span 6. css positioning 7. css selectors 8. what is symantic html? 9. What have you used in html 5? 10. have you done SCSS\SASS 11. what is sprite in css? and so on
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Posted on 05-12-16 7:35
PM [Snapshot: 308]
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Thank you @hamrochautari. I need more questions from angularjs, backbone,js, node.js, twitter bootstrap, mongoDB etc.
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Posted on 05-13-16 9:54
AM [Snapshot: 397]
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AngularJS - 1. be able to write a simple angular app from scratch with controller and scope. 2. know the version of angular you have used.Angular 2 have came out but alot of companies are still using angular 1.3, 1.4. Angular 1.x is based on Javascript and Angular 2 is based on typescript. 3. how many ways can you bind data from controller to view? using {{}}, ng-model, ng-bind 4. diff between using ng-bind and {{}} 5. Difference between service and factory 6. what built-in services have you used? http service is one example 7. can you do dependency injection in Angular? 8. be able to write a custom directives. 9. how is mvc used in Angular? 10. how to make asynchronous call in angular? 11. what is apply() and digest() functions ? 12. what is watch() function? 13. how to improve performance in ANGULAR? 14. diff between angular.copy() and assignment (=) Bootstrap: 1. why to use bootstrap and how is it better? 2. what is grid system in bootstrap? 3. be able to layout div with bootstrap classes. like using span in bootstrap 2 and col-md-xx in 3 There are the question I have asked candidates before.
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Posted on 05-13-16 12:58
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Posted on 05-13-16 1:34
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Hey Guys, Seems like I am in right thread. :) I am newbie for web development, and trying to switch my career (now working in telecommunication industry) What would be the good approach to start career as web developer. I have started learning HTML, and JavaScript for few weeks now through https://www.freecodecamp.com/ http://www.w3schools.com/ I would appreciate your inputs, and recommendations. Thank you in advance. ~~MTMN
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Posted on 05-13-16 1:47
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@man_ta_mero_nepali, Definitely starting out with HTML, CSS and Javascript is must for a web developer. After you become familiar with these basic stuffs try learning some UI Frameworks, jQuery, AnguarlJS, Backbone, etc. Becoming a UI developer means you will have to learn new stuffs constantly and rapidly. Market is changing too fast to keep up. Now focus is on NodeJS, MEAN stack, React js, Angualr 2, gulp, grunt, Jasmine, Protractor etc. So wrapping you head around new stuffs is very helpful. Also SASS/SCSS and Bootstrap are very essential now a days. If you are trying to learn, write code from scratch. Dont use any generator or seed projects to help you. Write code on plain Notepad instead of some autocomplete tool. Learn native Javascript first before jumping into frameworks like Angular. They make your life easier but you will not know anyting happening underneath. UI developers have to interact with data coming back from backend so you will need to be very good at webservices calls, AJAX calls. Some cases you will need some form of SQL. And knowing source control software is required for everyone like git.
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Posted on 06-16-16 1:51
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Nice advice ! Are you a FE / Javascript developer?
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Posted on 06-16-16 2:29
PM [Snapshot: 805]
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Thanks, A_GuY, I work as full stack developer, primarily AngularJS in front-end and Java in the back-end. Having knowledge in both front-end and back-end is very helpful in understanding the application you are working on. A lot of job opening now a days requires both front end and back-end.