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 Cloud and Java Positions Open
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Posted on 12-24-17 12:57 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Message to Geek IT Solutions and Mount Everest Consulting
Excessive promotions- stay out of sajha

Geek IT Solutions and Mount Everest Consulting have been continuously promoting in sajha using over 40 different usernames instead of having the decency to run paid promotions like other respectable companies.

Visitors are asked to be wary of such free loading companies - after all what can you expect from people like these?

Posted on 12-24-17 12:59 AM     [Snapshot: 4]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Excessive promotions- stay out of sajha

Posted on 12-24-17 1:21 AM     [Snapshot: 46]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Bro, training garne murga bhetepachi costco gayera chamal ra chicken tanna kinera raknu apartment ma !! LoL
Posted on 12-24-17 1:22 AM     [Snapshot: 51]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You are 100% fake...
Can you provide me paid travel, fooding and all the expenses..? I have 5 + years experience on cloud stuffs... and a lot of experiences on IT and on infrastructure?
Posted on 12-24-17 1:24 AM     [Snapshot: 60]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Please call me or send me a message at: 913-515-5346 tomorrow, Titosatya sir.
Posted on 12-24-17 1:28 AM     [Snapshot: 68]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Message to Geek IT Solutions and Mount Everest Consulting
Excessive promotions- stay out of sajha

Geek IT Solutions and Mount Everest Consulting have been continuously promoting in sajha using over 40 different usernames instead of having the decency to run paid promotions like other respectable companies.

Visitors are asked to be wary of such free loading companies - after all what can you expect from people like these?

Posted on 12-24-17 1:29 AM     [Snapshot: 73]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Please check Santosh dai's Linkedin. He quit his federal job and is doing this full time.
Posted on 12-24-17 2:39 AM     [Snapshot: 109]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I guarantee that Santosh does not even know like my intern... I had a chance to talk to him once... and we had good interaction as well...
May be he got you job... but he does not know what the fuck cloud is... maybe he knows 15%... that is all...
"He quit is federal job"... sad to hear that... but federal job pays you like a shit.. so he might have quited or who knows he was fired... hahaha
Lets have a virtual webex number where this Mr. Santos can join and I can join and any body in this sajha can join... lets this geek solution or whatever fuck they have named it be known to this world that they are fake and this santosh is a big talk... I openly challenge and if any body from geek solutions or whatever the name of the company takes this challenge, especially mr. Santosh... lets you and me have the voice call and lets this sajha people know...
Santosh.. Stop giving false hope... stop misleading people... i know u want to make money but please stop the bull shit to cheat fellow nepalese.
Last edited: 24-Dec-17 04:07 AM

Posted on 12-24-17 11:10 AM     [Snapshot: 271]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@titosatya21 Kaha bata ayo yo chamcha. Sajha already posted that this guy used 40 different usernames for promotion. Geek and Mount Everest fake ji, you are done in Nepalese community. Go and change your name and start from the beginning.

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