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 Four Languages That Krishna Can Speak
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Posted on 10-16-22 8:27 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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n old woman in Vrindavana, present at the time of Krishna’s pastimes, once stated in surprise: ‘How wonderful it is that Krishna, who owns the hearts of all the young girls of Brajabhumi, can nicely speak the language of Brajabhumi with the gopis, while in Sanskrit He speaks with the demigods, and in the language of the animals He can even speak with the cows and buffalo! Similarly, in the language of the Kashmere Province, and with the parrots and other birds, as well as in most common languages, Krishna is so expressive!’” (The Nectar Of Devotion, Ch 21)

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The written word is nothing more than a simple sound recording system. The combination of letters and punctuation marks, put together intelligently, is meant for passing on and then decoding messages. There is an originating source, and the receiver is able to get the exact message, without deviation, that could have emanated thousands of years back.

Literacy is required to be able to decode the messages, i.e. the ability to read. Even after years of schooling, perhaps a person knows how to read one or two languages. In special cases, they learn more, but the world is diverse. It is practically impossible for a person to know every language that exists.

Since the Supreme Personality of Godhead resides within the heart of every living thing, He witnesses everything that happens. He sees and hears. In that hearing He is able to understand. No one can trick Him by speaking in code.

When Goswami Tulsidas authored the Ramacharitamanasa, certain people took exception to the fact that the deeds of the Supreme Lord Rama were being presented in a common language, Avadhi, instead of Sanskrit. The narrow-minded view is a de facto insult to the Supreme Lord Himself, who through His own dealings in the form of Krishna interacted in different languages.

1. Sanskrit
This is the oldest known language in the world, and its skript is called Devanagari. The literal translation for that word is “city of the gods.” The gods, or devas, live in the heavenly realm, and so they are in the mode of goodness, which is rare to find on earth. In that highest culture, the refined way of living, the most beautiful language is spoken, which happens to be the most difficult to learn and understand, as well.

[Writing in Devanagari]Shri Krishna spoke with the demigods in Sanskrit because that is their language. They use words from that language to glorify Him. This practice contributes to the name of Uttamashloka applying to Krishna. One way to know God is to see that the best shlokas, or verses, are used to communicate with Him.

2. The language of the animals
Though they can’t understand us fully, we know that certain animals talk. There is communication. In biology there is an entire discipline focused on identifying birds based on their calls. This means that there is a unique communication system.

[Krishna with parrot]Shri Krishna speaks with the animal community, especially in the sacred land of Vrindavana. Cows and calves are abundant, as well as parrots and other birds. The parrots are known for passing on deskriptions of the pastimes between Krishna and His beloved Radharani. They sometimes carry messages between the two.

3. Common languages
Wherever Krishna goes He can speak the language. In the Nectar of Devotion this characteristic is attached to someone known as a linguist. Not that the Supreme Lord has to undertake years of study. The knowledge is always with Him. Since He is connected to everyone, He can speak without issue. He can understand simply through the thoughts of those reaching out to Him.

4. Brajabhumi
This is the language spoken by the people in Vrindavana. The residents are special, but notice that they are not Sanskrit scholars. That is not a knock against them in the least. Krishna loves to spend time there. It is said that He really never leaves that place. When travelling to Mathura, Dvaraka or other places, it is an expansion of Krishna which departs.

The Braja language is so appreciated by devotees that many saints have written books and composed songs in it. It is something like the peacock feather. The peacock doesn’t really have the best behavior or characteristics. But since Krishna wears its feather on His head, the mere sight brings ecstasy to devotees.

Krishna speaks Brajabhumi in order to be close with those who are closest with Him in terms of consciousness. The idea is that the merciful Lord is so kind that He will make every attempt to maintain the connection that a person wants to keep with Him. This is the other side of the bhakti-yoga process, the side where help arrives from the person who is infallible and all-powerful.

In Closing:

Krishna travelling wherever to go,

Instinctively the language to know.

Like with demigods Sanskrit speaking,

With animals communication seeking.

Brajabhumi common to that place,

With residents of devotion’s face.

In any place, whether large or small,

Not prohibited Shri Krishna to call.
Posted on 10-16-22 10:30 AM     [Snapshot: 29]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I am not sure there is any animal language other than some basic sounds for their survival. I will be interested to see any peer reviewed research paper which shows evidence to this hypothesis.

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