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Gay Goat
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 Feds plan 25,000 on-site H-1B inspections
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Posted on 11-18-09 7:52 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Dhoti need to be punished long time ago!!! They just suck the blood of any helpless animal.


Posted on 11-18-09 9:03 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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that is the reason why we need Republicans in the white house and the house of congress and senate

Posted on 11-18-09 9:17 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Mr. expert pyaradeshbashiharu how much will this effect Nepalese, and will it be positive or negative coz, though people curse these consultancies a lot, a lot of Nepalese are maintaining status bcoz of them isn't it true...
Posted on 11-18-09 10:46 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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First of All i am not an expert..

As Gay goat Pointed out, Dhotis should have been Punished Long time ago, i agree with that..Look at the  H1B Cap numbers for this Fiscal year, Quota is still Open and 98% of the People who got H1B this time had a Job in hand and there petition went through. be it PPL working in Consultancies having real project in hand or PPL with direct Job.I am not against the Immigration reform but US Government should do a Sanity check on whether or not the H1B visa is Properly utilised and i think this is a Positive step in this direction...

They shouldn't only pick Dhoti Consultancies for the Audit , there are lots of American Companies Operated by Gores that are also Violating the terms of H1B by hiring  Cheap Foreign Labor and paying below the rate as mentioned in LCA..

For your Insight regarding the "a lot of Nepalese are maintaining status bcoz of them isn't it true."
I partly agree with that.If Someone is working with these PPL and have a Project in hand then Yes they are Helping PPL to maintain Valid H1B status , however being on bench and Not getting Paid on H1B means that they are screwing up PPL's Status..Generating fake payroll and paying H1B taxes from their Pocket means they are acting as Accomplice on the mail Fraud and there is no excuse for that..

Bottom line is a person in H1B status should know his rights and have seen PPL who don't know anything even if they are in H1b Status..

Couple of months back my company also had a Site Visit from USCIS along with Dell and Symantec who r right next door to mine...As long as u have a Legitimate Job and u have documents that can be kept on Public record , nobody needs to get worried..

Posted on 11-18-09 10:54 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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There is nothing to worry about if you are in a project, just make sure that the employer pays you when you are in bench and the LCA properly addresses the location of working place.

They are making it harder for the employers who just file H1B without a job hoping that they may be able to hit something.



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